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Guest reviews
In colabaration with Hogeschool Maastricht
1. Context information organization
Goals organization
ZIN is a special place/ estate. A former elderly home for the Friars of Tilburg. Currently a hotel/ congress facility with a special purpose; ‘bringing compassion and purpose within organizations based on the core values of the Friars of Tilburg’. The Friars are from their origin focused on the industries; cure & care and education. The basis of ZIN is founded on catholic roots, nowadays open to all believes and philosophies.
ZIN (and the guest) is following the daily routine of the Friars and has completely biological based kitchen.
The core values of ZIN are; compassion, hospitality and community building. The Friars still live on the estate next to the Hotel/ congress building.
ZIN has also a trainings organization called the ZIN academy, founded September 2022.
Different kind of organizations, not really a certain industry.
Friars, employees, management, advisory board, clients, in the future external investors (bank).